Channel: Newsradio 1070 WKOK » Selinsgrove
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Hit and run victim still critical

  SELINSGROVE – Four days after she was struck by a car, a Selinsgrove woman is still in critical condition.  An unknown vehicle struck 53-year-old Katherine Blann Friday evening and then fled the scene.   Police are still searching for the driver.   Police do believe a white two door Jeep could have been the car in question, after reviewing security video from a convenience store.  Blann was taken to Geisinger immediately following the incident, where she remains in critical condition.  Anyone with information on the case is asked to call the Selinsgrove Police at 570-374-8655 with information.  (Codi Jade) Follow

Injured woman has S-U support

SELINSGROVE — A hit and run victim has support from her Susquehanna University co-workers.  a car struck 53-year-old Katherine Blann Friday evening in Selinsgrove.  Blann is director of the LCI Language Center at Susquehanna University.   University Media Specialist Amanda O’Rourke says, “We all continue to keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers.”   Police are still searching for the hit and run driver, who they believe may have been driving a white two-door Jeep.   No new police information has been released.   Blann is still in critical condition at Geisinger Medical Center.  (Codi Jade) Follow

Dozens attend a Selinsgrove meeting

  SELINSGROVE — The Snyder County D-A, and dozens of other people attended a Selinsgrove community meeting last night…the focus was crime and safety. The concerns are heighted by a spate of violent crime and drug arrests recently.   The police department recently investigated, but failed to disclose publicly, a nighttime burglary in an occupied home. Last night residents discussed the ways that Valley residents can help prevent crime and participate in a more active manner than in the past.   The Snyder County District Attorney Michael Piecuch said he enjoyed hearing and seeing the residents’ concerns, offered some tips, and said he–and they–would meet again to form a more organized crime prevention effort in...

Selinsgrove man in serious condition following accident

SELINSGROVE – An Wednesday evening motorcycle accident near Selinsgrove has left one man in serious condition. State police report that the accident took place on North Market Street in Penn Township, near the Route 522 intersection.   61-year-old Leroy Reigle of Selinsgrove was riding on Market Street when a car turned left in front of him. Reigle was thrown from his motorcycle and taken to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, he is in serious condition. The other driver sustained no serious injuries. Follow

DA: Engaged community can stop crime

  SELINSGROVE — Following an outburst of crime across The Valley, a local district attorney says the community needs to band together.  Snyder County D.A. Mike Piecuch says there are things people can do to try to burglar-proof their home.   “People should look at their homes and find ways to make visibility better,” Piecuch said.  “Whether it’s motion sensor lighting and trimming brushes and shrubs away from windows and access points.  You can do little things like keeping doors and windows locked at night and when you go away.  If you’re going away, you should let a trusted neighbor or friend know so they can check on your property.  Don’t advertise that you are...

Selinsgrove police investigate burglary try

SELINSGROVE – Someone tried to break into a home on Orange Street in Selinsgrove early Thursday morning.  Selinsgrove police say the resident woke up at 3 a.m. when her dog was barking and later in the day, she discovered a window screen to her front porch was bent and removed from the frame.   No one was able to get into the home, located in the 400 block of Orange Street.  The investigation continues.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Burglary at a Selinsgrove home

SELINSGROVE – Electronic equipment was taken from a home in Selinsgrove over the weekend.  Selinsgrove police say sometime between Saturday and Sunday, someone entered a home on Vine Street in Selinsgrove and took miscellaneous electronic equipment.   Police say no further information will be released at this time due to an active investigation.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Big move coming for Selinsgrove Cole’s

SELINSGROVE – A popular hardware store is getting its own home improvement. Cole’s Hardware in Selinsgrove is moving up the road from its current North High Street location to Route 522 and Broad Street. Work is well underway transforming the former Weis Market location. Taylor Cole, project manager, says this building has more space for more supplies, “We’re going to have a lot more square footage here. We’re going to have more room for more products, so we can supply everybody a little bit better.” Cole says there are several benefits to the new location including easier access for customers, “[It’s] easier to get in and out of compared to the old store, more products...

Katherine Blann, out of the hospital, in rehab

  Photo from gofundme.com SELINSGROVE – A Selinsgrove woman, critically injured in a hit and run incident three weeks ago, is out of the hospital. 53-year-old Katherine Blann was in critical condition during most of her stay at Geisinger Medical Center. Now, the family reports she is in a private rehab facility and is slowly recovering.   Friends have set up a gofundme site for individuals hoping to help offset travel and other costs for her family, most of whom are from Washington State. You can link to that fundraising site at here.   Blann was struck by a hit and driver Friday, June 12 on Market Street in Selinsgrove. Selinsgrove police a week later...

Gusty storms hit Selinsgrove

SELINSGROVE – The National Weather Service will be in Snyder County today after a gusty storm tore through Selinsgrove Thursday evening.  Investigators will tour damage sites on Sand Hill Road, South Market Street and the Isle of Que to determine if a tornado touched down. Multiple trees were downed on the Isle of Que and a large branches were strewn across the road.  One tree fell on a pickup truck causing damage to the roof of the vehicle.  The storm roared through between 5 and 6 p.m. No injuries were reported.  There was a tornado watch in effect for most of Thursday evening for the entire listening area.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Ta-Ta Trot draws more than 2,200

SELINSGROVE — The 5th annual Ta-Ta Trot 5K race raised $77,000 on Saturday.  More than 2,200 people took part in the race, which was moved from Sunbury to Selinsgrove.  Event founder Julie Rockey, who is a breast cancer survivor, says all money raised supports breast cancer treatment and research at Geisinger Medical Center, Evangelical Community Hospital and the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition.   Last year, more than 2,600 people took part in the Ta-Ta Trot, so the total number of participants was down by about 400.  22-year-old Vince Fadale of Selinsgrove was the winner of the race with a time of 15 minutes and 21 seconds.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Meals for Seals program still growing

SELINSGROVE – A local backpack program providing meals to hungry children continues to grow. Meals for Seals started last year, providing 24 students with take-home meals and snacks.   Kelly Feiler of the Snyder County Coalition for Kids says that number has grown tremendously, “I’m amazed at the number right now.  The last email said the last packing party they had at All Saints Episcopal Church, they packed 625 bags to send home with kids.  They are doing twice a month pick-up this summer, which means they are sending home two weeks worth, so four bags per kid.  That means about 156 kids are being fed.”   The program is currently available for students in...

Selinsgrove woman found safe following search

SELINSGROVE – State police used a helicopter and ground volunteers to help locate a Selinsgrove woman who was missing for several hours Sunday.  Troopers were notified that 63-year-old Trudy Conrad was missing from her home and was “at risk” with health problems.   She was last seen on Yale Drive in Penn Township near the Selinsgrove Speedway around noon Sunday and wasn’t found until 8:25 p.m. A helicopter circled the Selinsgrove area for several hours.  When Conrad was found, she was said to be in good condition, but was taken to a local hospital for observation.   State Police were assisted by Shamokin Dam, Hummels Wharf, Kratzerville and  Selinsgrove Fire Departments and Northumberland County sent...

Search for a missing teen in Selinsgrove

SELINSGROVE – State police are looking for a 14-year-old boy who ran away from his home in Selinsgrove.  Troopers say Nathaniel Hood was last seen in the Selinsgrove area Monday evening at 7:30.  Hood was last seen wearing a bright orange shirt, blue jeans and sneakers.  He is 6 feet tall, weighing about 160 pounds, with a thin build, hazel eyes, and brown shoulder length hair.  Anyone who may have information on Hood’s whereabouts is asked to contact State Police at Selinsgrove.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Selinsgrove man acquitted of rape charge

MIDDLEBURG – A Snyder County jury acquitted a Selinsgrove man of rape. The Daily Item reports the “not guilty” verdict was delivered Tuesday for 54-year-old Gerald “Doug” Gay. Gay denied sexually assaulting a woman in Selinsgrove on August 9 of last year. The newspaper reports an alibi witness testified that he was with Gay the entire day and could not have committed the crime.  Gay has been released from Snyder County Prison, where he had been held since October.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Katherine Blann recovering and grateful for support

      SELINSGROVE – Painfully slow describes the ongoing–but progressing–recovery of the woman hit in Selinsgrove almost two months ago. Katherine Blann’s recovery from a hit-and-run accident has been made easier with new neighbors thinking about her. Blann was struck by what police think was a speeding white Jeep June 12. The case is still under investigation.   Blann expressed her gratitude for the over whelming amount of well wishes she has received, “I have cards, half of them I don’t even know who the people are. The ones that have signed them, I have in a pile that I’m going to contact and thank. Several people who have donated to the gofundme.com account that...

Hit and Run accident in Selinsgrove

SELINSGROVE – State police are looking for the driver of a light blue or white pickup truck following a hit and run accident Saturday in Selinsgrove.  Troopers say the truck was traveling east on Snyder Avenue and struck the rear of a vehicle, forcing the vehicle onto the sidewalk and into a stop sign at the intersection with Market Street.   The driver of the truck fled the scene, possibly heading south on Market Street.  The accident took place just after 9 a.m.   Anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact state police at Selinsgrove.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Life Flight responds to an accident near Selinsgrove

SELINSGROVE – A Selinsgrove man was critically injured in an accident Tuesday evening near Selinsgrove.  State police say 25-year-old Joseph White was driving his car on Hideaway Hill Lane in Penn Township around 8:30 p.m. when he drove off the road.   The car struck a pine tree, breaking it in half, then the car went into a cornfield and wooded area.  White was flown by Life Flight helicopter to Geisinger Medical Center where he is listed in critical condition.  No other vehicles were involved in the accident.  (Ali Stevens) Follow

Selinsgrove man improving following a bad crash

SELINSGROVE – A Selinsgrove man critically injured in an accident Tuesday evening is improving at the hospital.  25-year-old Joseph White is now listed in fair condition at Geisinger Medical Center.   State police say White was driving his car on Hideaway Hill Lane in Penn Township around 8:30 p.m. when he travelled off the road and struck a tree.  White was flown by Life Flight helicopter to Geisinger, where he had been listed in critical condition.  Thursday afternoon, White was listed in fair condition. Follow

Barrier removal on the Green Bridge today

SELINSGROVE – Work will be done today on the Green Bridge near Selinsgrove.  PennDOT says the contractor will be removing a temporary barrier from the bridge today and work will take place until 6 p.m.   All travel lanes will be open but flaggers will be on hand to slow traffic down if needed.  Motorists should be alert and drive with caution through the work zone. (Ali Stevens) Follow
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